NHL Hot Picks

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Welcome to Hot Picks! For the games tonight, it takes a look at all the players and the 4 stats you would see in the 'Parlay Builder' section and comes up with every combination for two leg parlays and three leg parlays. It takes a look at the last 10 games to see which combinations have the highest hit rate. This allows you to see which players go well together when putting together a parlay. The number that you see if the number calculated on the parlay builder. Check it out to see if it lights up green or red to make a more informed decision! You can also click on the name in the Parlay Builder to see their stats from the last 5 games in a chart! Non subscribers will get 5 hot picks, while subscribers will get ALL the combinations! It will not be the 5 highest but it will also not be the 5 lowest. GOOD LUCK!

Please Select # of Legs

Please Select Team(s)

Team Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Stat 1 Stat 2 Stat 3 Hit % Combination Legs